BIEN - Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database
Provides Tools for Accessing the Botanical Information and Ecology Network Database. The BIEN database contains cleaned and standardized botanical data including occurrence, trait, plot and taxonomic data (See <> for more Information). This package provides functions that query the BIEN database by constructing and executing optimized SQL queries.
Last updated 1 months ago
6.04 score 5 dependents 205 scripts 3.5k downloadsS4DM - Small Sample Size Species Distribution Modeling
Implements a set of distribution modeling methods that are suited to species with small sample sizes (e.g., poorly sampled species or rare species). While these methods can also be used on well-sampled taxa, they are united by the fact that they can be utilized with relatively few data points. More details on the currently implemented methodologies can be found in Drake and Richards (2018) <doi:10.1002/ecs2.2373>, Drake (2015) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2015.0086>, and Drake (2014) <doi:10.1890/ES13-00202.1>.
Last updated 1 months ago
5.97 score 4 stars 33 scripts 188 downloadsTNRS - Taxonomic Name Resolution Service
Provides access to the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service <> through R. The user supplies plant taxonomic names and the package returns resolved taxonomic names along with information on decisions. Optionally, the package can also be used to parse taxonomic names.
Last updated 10 months ago
3.91 score 41 scripts 365 downloadsOpenRange - Code to Access Open Access Species Range Maps
Allows access to a proof-of-concept database containing Open Access species range models and relevant metadata. Access to the database is via both 'PostgreSQL' connection and API <>, allowing diverse use-cases.
Last updated 2 months ago
2.70 score 4 scripts 255 downloadsGVS - 'Geocoordinate Validation Service'
The 'Geocoordinate Validation Service' (GVS) runs checks of coordinates in latitude/longitude format. It returns annotated coordinates with additional flags and metadata that can be used in data cleaning. Additionally, the package has functions related to attribution and metadata information. More information can be found at <>.
Last updated 3 months ago
2.70 score 2 scripts 173 downloadsNSR - 'Native Status Resolver'
Provides access to the 'Native Status Resolver' (NSR) <> API through R. The user supplies plant taxonomic names and political divisions and the package returns information about their likely native status (e.g., native, non-native,endemic), along with information on how those decisions were made.
Last updated 5 months ago
2.70 score 4 scripts 155 downloads